Starcraft II - Balance Patch

    • Starcraft II - Balance Patch

      So im Laufe der nächsten Woche kommt ein Balance Patch fürs TvT. Es geht dabei um die Hellbat Drops. Die Patchnotes gibts hier:

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      As always, we’ve been keeping a close eye on the balance of things, and have decided to address the issues concerning Terran and the Hellbat.

      Here are our thoughts:

      1. Hellbat drops are mainly an issue for TvT.

      2. Terran isn't over performing so while nerfing Hellbats, we’d like to simultaneously push a buff to the Banshee.

      3. We think seeing less Hellbat play in the early mid game is not a bad thing, as other Terran harass options are a lot more interesting to watch.

      4. This change will also address any other lingering concerns we may have with Hellbats outside of TvT when it comes to early mid game.

      So overall, we believe the changes we've been testing in the balance test map are solid for Hellbats:
      Attack damage decreased from 18 +12 vs. light to 18.The Infernal Pre-Igniter upgrade increases attack damage from 18 to 18 +12 vs. light.

      Banshee changes on the other hand, we're planning on going ahead with just the cost reduction change only:
      Cloaking Field research cost decreased from 200/200 to 100/100

      Let us know if you have any feedback. We are looking to implement these changes sometime this week.

      Das ganze wurde von David Kim im englischen Battle-Net Forum gepostet.

      I play scissors. Paper is no problem, but please nerf stone!
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