Patch vom 06.03.2014

    • Patch vom 06.03.2014

      Neue Sticker, Bugfixes und noch mehr Anpassungen an Overpass :D

      [EMS One Katowice 2014]
      - Added EMS One Katowice 2014 CS:GO Championship Sticker Capsules:
      - Each capsule contains a single EMS One Katowice 2014 participant sticker. A portion of each capsule's proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations.

      - Fixed a bug where the sticker peel animaton played when opening the apply sticker panel.
      - Centered the names of stickers.
      - Demo highlights now show a "Fast forwarding to next highlight..." message while fast forwarding.
      - Demo highlights now include bomb plant and bomb defuse.
      - Fixed dsp canceling and a few other exploits.
      - Added competitive match scores to in-game friends list status display.
      - Added rich presence display in friends game details in Steam Overlay.
      - Fixed a hitch on stattrak kills for players with large inventories.


      - Mirage:
      -- Made it easier to peek short from B apartments
      -- Made cover at back of B bangable
      -- Horizontal metal bars on catwalk no longer block bullets or grenades
      -- Made corner to the right on Bombsite A scaffolding bangable

      - Overpass:
      -- Added more cover in Bombsite A
      -- Widened gate at back of Bombsite A
      -- Blocked fence completely at back of Bombsite A
      -- Color coded tunnels under A
      -- Removed dropdown into water near bombsite B
      -- Made cement bags around bombsite B easier to climb
      -- Added cover near construction
      -- New connector between upper park and bathrooms
      -- Widened tunnel near T spawn
      -- General polish and optimization

      - Dust2:
      -- Fixed tiny gaps between boxes in Bombsite A
      -- Fixed killer box in Bombsite B
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