Patch vom 15.05.2014

    • Patch vom 15.05.2014

      Keyfeature: Trade Up Contract nicht mehr Sammlungsgebunden!

      Release Notes for 5/14/2014
      [CSGO] - The Trade Up Contract no longer restricts items to a single collection. In exchange for 10 items of identical quality, the Trade Up Contract provides one item of the next highest quality, from a collection of one of the items provided.
      [MAPS] - Agency -- Updated with bugfixes.
      [MISC] - Fixed CZ75a reload animation: the player will now perform a traditional magazine reload if the forward magazine has already been used. If there's enough spare ammo, the forward magazine is restored when the weapon is hostered and re-drawn. - Plugins can now precache new particle systems within pcf files by calling PrecacheGeneric() and passing the particle's pcf file path. - r_drawscreenoverlay is now set to 1 by default and is modifiable by the server.
      "The military intelligence, two words combined that can't make sense" - Hangar 18 (Megadeth)
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