Patch vom 21.05.2014

    • Patch vom 21.05.2014

      Yay, keine MotD mehr...

      - Added a convar mp_backup_restore_load_autopause to control whether the game remains paused after round backup file is loaded.
      - Added a dedicated server convar host_rules_show to control whether the server is allowed to reply to connectionless rules requests.
      - Improved server lobby slot allocation logic to reduce the chance of getting 'session is full' errors when connecting to a game server with available player slots.
      - Fixed a slow memory leak in Linux dedicated servers.
      - Fixed several rare game server crashes on Linux.

      - Added a convar (cl_hideserverip) that when set to 1, will hide most cases of the server and client IP address appearing in the developer console.
      - In official competitive matchmaking, servers will no longer show the message of the day.
      - Fixed several errors that previously showed up in the console.
      - Moved some messages that would previously show up in the console to dev 1 and above.
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